A Kemco 2015-ben alapult az olajipari válság idején, és fokozatosan bővült geotermikus projektek támogatásával. Mára 8 műszaki alkalmazottunk dolgozik különböző projekteken és országokban. (Németországban, Hollandiában, Olaszországban és Törökországban).
Julio Kemenyfy
Oct 2015 onwards Owner and Manager of Kemco GmbH
Providing drilling management consulting and services based in Regensburg, Germany.
Recent geothermal projects include:
Jan 2014 – May 2015 – OMV - Drilling Manager
Manager of the drilling department with 20 persons in charge. Executed campaign using 3 rigs drilling 27 development and exploration wells. In 2014 achieved the second-best drilling year in Austria.
May 2008 – Dec 2013 GEOenergie Bayern - Exploration & Drilling Manager / Prokurist
Drilling Manager in charge of the drilling department planning and executing deep geothermal wells to 5,000 m in underbalance conditions. Executed Kirchweidach and planned up to ready to drill status the Bruck project (by now successfully drilled by Silenos). Later serves as manager of the exploration group which includes 4 Geologists and 2 Reservoir Engineers. Main task was project selection & planning from target identification to reservoir modelling using Petrel and Eclipse software from Schlumberger.
On a consulting basis Drilling Manager for Rhein Petroleum during 2012 -2013
Feb 2000 - Feb 2008 - Schlumberger Integrated Project Management
Wellsite supervisor - Venezuela, Mexico, Algeria
Oil-, gas- and geothermal wells, multilateral-, horizontal drilling, underbalanced conditions.
Well engineer - Mexico, Germany
Preparing drilling programs, well design and offset analysis, AFE generation, keeping track of Drilling Operations, EOWR, APQ, Technical Limit
Business Development Team Leader - Mexico
Planning and managing to drill and complete gas wells, including civil works and pipelines to connect wells to gas stations, Prepared the offset analysis, well design, rig selection, area review, client visits and clarification meetings, AFE generation
Julio Kemenyfy, Manager